
Joy Of Gardening Hanging Bird Bath

Once upon a time, we had a hanging bird bath that I absolutely loved. BUT, it was plastic and impossible to clean properly. Needless to say, it didn't come with us when we moved! Replacing it has been on my upcycling to-do list for quite some time, and I finally set my mind to making a DIY hanging bird bath. And my plan was to use a glass lid from the thrift store.

Glass lids from the thrift store for upcycling ideas

A glass lid is shallow but sturdy, and most importantly, easy to clean!

And with a little chain from the hardware store, it would easily be upcycled as a hanging bird bath!

Upcycling a glass lid into a hanging bird bath

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Upcycling a Glass Lid into a DIY Hanging Bird Bath

To upcycle a glass lid into a DIY hanging bird bath, I kept it simple.

First, I cut a small section of medium-weight chain that was approximately 10-12" long. We used our Dremel tool to do it , but you could use bolt cutters or something similar to do so, as well.

Using a glass lid as a bird bath bowl for a hanging bird bath

I connected the short length of chain to make a "bracelet", of sorts. I first used an "s" hook, but ultimately replaced them with steel jewelry wire.

Using an S hook to connect the chain under a glass bird bath bowl

This round chain would be used as the "cradle" that the glass lid will rest in when used as a hanging bird bath.

Next, we cut four more lengths of chain that were all the exact same length. Then, we connected them to four "sides" of the chain circle.

Measuring the chain that is needed for a hanging bird bath

Again, I used galvanized steel wire to connect the four lengths.

Next, I set the glass lid (upside-down) in the center of the chain circle.

Making a hanging bird bath with a glass lid as a bird bath bowl

I gathered the four long chains of the DIY hanging bird bath and gathered them on a quick link.

Quick links to hold the chains of a hanging bird bath

And just like that, my hanging glass bird bath was ready to hang out in the yard.

Glass bird bath with a pyrex lid for easy cleaning

DIY Hanging Bird Bath

I slipped the quick link on a large carabiner (any spring loaded clamp/lock would work) to hang from the tree.

Then, I just added a bit of water. And voilà, a DIY hanging bird bath that is easy to clean and shallow enough for small birds.

hanging glass bird bath

Here's a view of the  hanging bird waterer from underneath. The metal chain holds the glass lid in place, but leaving it easy enough to remove for cleaning. works perfectly.

Hanging bird bath that is easy to clean by upcycling a glass lid

And a clean bird bath is the best bird bath for the health of your feathered friends!

how to make a diy hanging bird bath

It's also important to note that I hung this under a thick shade tree where no direct sunlight will hit it. If you hung it in direct sunlight, it could scorch the ground (magnifying glass effect).

Just a word of caution if you decide to upcycle a glass lid into a DIY hanging bird bath for your own yard.


Also- I'm so excited that this project is part of DIY Gardening Week on! Click here to see more great DIY gardening projects and fun ideas.

DIY Gardening Week with project ideas for your yard and garden


If you enjoyed this upcycling idea for a hanging bird bath, then you may also be interested in this suet feeder that I made from a coffee mug , too!

How to make bird suet for a suet feeder in a ceramic coffee mug as a DIY bird feeder for the winter

And for another DIY birdbath option, this one used a vintage lamp from the thrift store and stands instead of hangs .

diy birdbath that was made from a vintage lamp and a glass dish

Craft on!


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Joy Of Gardening Hanging Bird Bath


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