
What Do Ocean Animals Do During A Hurricane

Aquatic Impacts

Impacts on Aquatic Species

Immediately following the passage of a tropical cyclone, aquatic organisms may experience localized mortalities in association with high nutrient loading and subsequent periods of hypoxia (low oxygen levels). Long-term tempest furnishings oft include widespread alterations in the distribution, abundance, and movement of mobile aquatic species. Freshwater species may movement upstream as tempest surge brings high salinity h2o into the area; species that tolerate low salinities may vacate areas impacted by heavy rainfall (which would decrease salinity), and move downstream into more saline waters. Rising waters may also alluvion areas that usually do not incorporate h2o. After water levels recede, fish and other aquatic animals may get trapped and/or stranded, and die. Recovery following tropical cyclones is usually rapid, yet, with a return to pre-hurricane numbers and distribution occurring inside a matter of months. Providing that there has not been a loss of disquisitional habitat, animals are able to rapidly repopulate the areas from which they had been displaced.

Photo of a fish kill.

Low dissolved oxygen is by far the most common cause of post-hurricane fish kills. When oxygen levels become too low, fish are unable to obtain the required amount of oxygen necessary for metabolism and they may die.

When hurricane winds strip vegetation and topple copse, a large pulse of litterfall (fallen leaves, branches, and other natural droppings) is generated. For instance, when Hurricane Iniki (1992) passed over Hawaii, researchers measured a litter fall pulse equivalent to 1.4 times that of the annual litter fall charge per unit. Forty-one percent of the normal seasonal leaf autumn occurred during one day in the Atchaflaya Basin in Florida after the passage of Hurricane Andrew (1992). This litter so represents an immense pulse of organic thing to the soil and/or water. Storm-induced litterfall may contain upwards to iii to 5 times more nitrogen, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium than the average, annual literfall for an area. The decomposition of this big amount of organic affair, specially that which has fallen into wetlands and/or riverine habitats, can lead to low levels of oxygen in the water column, as oxygen is used during the decomposition process. This drop in available oxygen may cause the aquatic environment to become hypoxic or anoxic (depression or no available oxygen, respectively). This so impacts fish and other animals living in these areas. Fish kills, die-offs of fish that tin can be massive in proportion, normally occur when oxygen levels are severely depleted. Hurricane Isabel (2003) brought heavy rain and storm surge to N Carolina, flushing out the Roanoke River and its tributaries. This large freshwater discharge (and associated reduction in salinity and available oxygen) caused an all-encompassing fish kill throughout 25km (xv.5 mi) of the lower part of the river. Although species richness and affluence for the area was drastically reduced one month afterwards the hurricane, several years later on, the fish aggregation did recover from the catastrophic disturbance. Fishermen reported large fish kills in south Florida post-obit Hurricane Andrew (1992), and in the Charleston Harbor region of South Carolina later on Hurricane Hugo (1989). In South Carolina, although fish and crab populations were significantly reduced following Hurricane Hugo, increased densities were observed downstream suggesting that animals had moved in response to the contradistinct water quality. This shows how fish and some invertebrates are fairly resilient to the occurrence of natural disturbances, and, similar to birds and other animals, they are highly mobile and can move to more suitable, undisturbed areas before, during, and/or later a tropical weather effect.

A sea turtle nest exposed due to erosion.  Image courtesy of: Kate Mansfield.

A ocean turtle nest exposed due to erosion. Image courtesy of: Kate Mansfield.

In addition to fish, other mobile animals such as bounding main turtles are detrimentally impacted by hurricanes. The Atlantic Basin hurricane season overlaps with prime number nesting flavor for many species of endangered marine turtles including loggerhead (Caretta caretta), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and green (Chelonia mydas) body of water turtles. Over xc% of all Western Atlantic loggerhead sea turtle nests occur on the beaches of Southward Florida, and area heavily impacted by hurricanes and tropical storms. Sea turtles mate in the surf, and females will return to their natal beaches to lay large clutches of eggs. Although storm events announced to have little effect on the actual nesting of woman bounding main turtles (although some bloodshed due to storm surge and heavy waves may occur as turtles enter the beach), hurricanes appear to have a significant impact on sea turtle nest survival. Body of water turtle nests can be inundated, washed out, or buried by sand brought in with the high tides and increased wave activeness associated with a tropical system. Turtle hatchling mortality is generally a result of drowning (due to nest flood when sand has been eroded), or suffocation (due to the build upward of sand on top of the nest, preventing the hatchlings from escaping). Contradistinct beach topography may also foreclose hatchlings from successfully reaching the sea.

Many species of sea turtles nest along the beaches at St. George Island and Cape St. George Island in the Apalachicola Bay surface area, Florida. In 1994, ii tropical storms and a tropical low done out sea turtle nests on both islands, and covered most remaining nests with every bit much as .4-.6 g of tightly packed sand. In 1995, 3 hurricanes, Allison, Erin, and Opal, caused astringent erosion along the islands' beaches, eliminating more 40% of the nests. Combined, the 2004 and 2005 seasons accept been the worst to date, with 51% and 67% of the islands' nests destroyed, respectively. Hurricane Andrew (1992) afflicted turtle nests on over 145 km (~ xc mi) of beaches on the east and west bandage of Florida. The greatest surge furnishings were felt on beaches closest to the eye of the hurricane, where egg bloodshed was 100%. In areas further from the eye, the surge was lower and bloodshed correspondingly decreased.

Stock-still species such every bit oysters are also significantly impacted by tropical cyclones. Hurricanes detrimentally bear upon oyster reefs through physical disturbance (waves pounding into the reefs cause breakage), sedimentation, and extreme salinity changes. These effects are typically due to the tempest surge, high winds, and high rainfall associated with each storm. In 1985, Hurricane Elena dilapidated Apalachicola Bay, FL, causing physical impairment and structural alteration to oyster reefs in the area. Oyster resource were and then severely devastated that commercial harvesting was suspended until a year afterward the hurricane'due south passage. During Hurricane Alberto (1994) Apalachicola Bay, FL oyster reefs did not endure physical impairment, only loftier river flow resulting course upstream precipitation resulted in extended periods of low salinity (for upwards to two weeks) in the bay area, directly affecting oyster populations and causing extremely high bloodshed (80-90%). Twenty-five percent of Louisiana'due south public oyster seed grounds were nigh wiped out by Hurricane Andrew in 1992, and more recently, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita passed through major Louisiana oyster production areas, causing between 55-70% oyster mortality to the public grounds. Physical damage to oyster reefs may exist amplified or lessened by the elevation of tide when a hurricane makes landfall. Oyster reefs were completely submerged at loftier tide when Hurricane Dennis fabricated landfall in Apalachicola Bay, FL, in the summer of 2005. Since the reefs were submerged, the forcefulness of the surge and wave activeness was reduced, resulting in little damage to the oyster resources.

Coral Reefs

The waves generated by hurricanes are larger and more than powerful than those experienced under normal conditions. These large waves can significantly impact coral reef systems. Damage to coral reefs tin vary from most total destruction to no furnishings at all over a distance of only a few meters. The amount of tropical cyclone impairment to corals is species-specific because the vulnerability of colonies is a function of their shape, strength of their skeletons and anchor positions, as well equally their orientation. Fragile, branching corals are more vulnerable to wave harm than corals with a bedrock-similar growth course. Dislodged coral pieces tin can crusade further impairment during a hurricane consequence as they are propelled onto other parts of the reef. Subsequently a hurricane, it is not unusual to see large coral heads torn from the reef and thrown into shallow h2o. In improver to physical damage, extreme water movement results in the accumulation of sediment and rubble, which is unstable and, therefore, less suitable for coral settlement. Excessive sedimentation reduces available light, inhibiting photosynthesis past the coral'south symbiotic algae. Silt may too settle on the coral surface, blocking feeding and respiration. Boring-growing corals may be overgrown by algae before they can recover after a hurricane, a circumstance that may be aggravated by increased food output from runoff and sedimentation.

Intact coral colonies typically survive well-nigh overturned and fractured corals, simply in extreme cases, significant reef areas are scoured and little or no difficult coral remains. Reefs tin can immediately start to recover through the regeneration of surviving corals, attachment and growth of viable coral fragments, and from the colonization of new substrate (which could include those areas scoured past the hurricane). Hurricane Allen (1980) in Jamaica killed about one-half of the gorgonian colonies at one site, but surviving colonies began to regenerate quickly.

Images of corals impacted by Hurricane Ike (2008).

During the late afternoon of September 12, 2008, Hurricane Ike crossed straight over Due east Flower Garden Bank coral reef in the northwestern Gulf of United mexican states. At the time of passage, the storm was a Category 2 hurricane with sustained winds of 105mph. The due north side of the simply living elkhorn coral known at Due east Flower Garden Bank suffered significant branch loss due to the tempest. Image on the left is before the hurricane (June 2006) and the prototype on the right is after Hurricane Ike (October 2008). Photo: Hickerson/FGBNMS.

Interestingly, hurricanes may besides provide ecological benefits to tropical and sub-tropical environments. Rainfall gives a boost to wetlands and flushes out lagoons, removing waste material and weeds. Hurricane winds and waves movement sediment from bays into marsh areas, revitalizing nutrient supplies. Fragile coral reefs tin can besides receive do good from hurricanes during the warm summer months, as the storms' upwelling of cooler waters help to alleviate thermal stress. In addition, waves and tidal water movements scour some areas, removing macroalgae and exposing the solid limestone construction of the reef, which provides a firm foundation on which corals tin can settle and grow.

Hurricanes appear to take only brusque-term or minor impacts on reef fishes, though dissimilar species can be afflicted in different ways. At least some species redistribute themselves, moving from shallow to deep h2o or from damaged to unaffected areas of the reef. Predation probably increases at to the lowest degree temporarily afterwards the tempest, equally many cryptic fish species are found out in the open.


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